Social Justice Class - Earth Day

Earth Day Special!

Social Justice Class thanks everyone who visited our April Earth Day display table. In addition to raising awareness of the microplastics concerns, UMC Conference resources, and sharing some practical household items, we appreciated hearing how you are caring for creation. Ideas you shared included food waste composting (Manchester has a program for its residents), installing solar panels, getting a home energy audit, and using reusable paper towels and kitchen towels. The creation care drawing winner was Ruth Wassik's idea to eliminate use of lawn/yard chemicals that can harm pollinators and birds. Please continue to tell us your Creation Care ideas throughout the year!

Ongoing but newcomers welcome!

Meets Sundays from 10:40-11:30am in the Upstairs Classroom opposite the Library.

Join us as we discuss Matthew Sleeth’s book “Serve God, Save The Planet: A Christian Call to Action”

For this year, we'll cover eco-justice topics with book discussions, videos, speakers, etc. Contact Jeff at for more details.

The Social Justice Class is studying the damage we people are doing to our planet, and we'd like to invite you to join us in taking one step forward each month. Try it out. If it disrupts your life too seriously, back off, but if it's not that bad stick with it. That one change in your life won't save the earth, but it's a start. This month, we're holding up the possibility of cutting back on your dependence on single use plastics. So keep asking yourself: is there a better way of packaging things, storing things, purchasing things, ...and try it. And if it works, tell us about it.


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