Outreach Opportunities

Joy of Community Sharing

We delivered the blessing bag items to MACC this week, and our adopted families will receive their store and grocery gift cards today. Thanks for donating, delivering, and praying for our families this year. Keep the non perishable food coming; we deliver your donations weekly!

Manchester Latino Affairs Council (MLAC)

MLAC collaborates with Concordia Lutheran Church to hold an event annually, celebrating Three Kings Day (January 6th/Epiphany) with the Latino population in town. They provide a meal and gifts to hundreds of local families who may otherwise go without a gift and holiday meal. How can we help? The gifts need to be wrapped and labeled gender and age range. The age ranges will be as follows: 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 10 and gift cards for kids ages 11-18. The gift cards can be any where between 10 and 15 dollars. There’s a drop box in Reception Hall for your wrapped toy donations. We will collect these gifts and gift cards through the end of the year. There may also be volunteer opportunities as well. We will update as we learn more.

Operation Chriatmas Child Shoe boxes

Our shoe boxes are making their way to the Dominican Republic this year. Continue to pray for the children who will receive them, and for the impact that learning about the Gospel story will have on their lives.

Habitat Build Day

Everyone ages 16+ is welcome to join us Saturday, January 20 for the next SUMC Habitat for Humanity Build Day. We're likely to be in N. Hartford with tasks TBA. If you can't join the us for the 7:45a - 3pm Build Day, please consider donating via the link below or by check to SUMC (Habitat on memo line). Your support will help to drive the Habitat affordable housing mission and serve more families within our region. Please feel free to share this fundraising link on social media: https://fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/FAITH24/team/SUMC

Contact Jeff Kieft (gjkieft@yahoo.com, 720-882-8796) for Build Day registration instructions.

To text a donation: send to 860-512-7185: the key word is: Habitat


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Food Pantry Needs for MACC